Nigerians Speak: Say No To Strike!
Nigerians Speak: Say No To Strike!
In response to the planned strike by the NLC and other concerned groups in the country, Nigerians who understand the reason for the removal of the subsidy and deregulation have come out to speak on social media.
It was already reported today that the Attorney General filed a suit against the planned strike and the NLC was directed to halt the strike.
Some of the same Nigerians that came out during Jonathan's regime to stop the removal of the subsidy now think it is a necessary evil.
See some tweets:
NLC sud b selfless and educate the ppl about #SubsidyRemoval instead. The learned ones knows and urges all 2 #SayNoToStrike.
— Simon Wada (@simonwada) May 17, 2016
Where were our union leaders over the years that our refineries have functioned in the breach! #SayNoToStrike
— Fauzuddeen hussaini™ (@fahishtee_jnr) May 17, 2016
#SayNoToStrike I dislike buhari, but dis #FuelSubsidy is one of d best tins he eva did. Strike is gona mess d already messed economy again.
— FigegeAm (@Double_O_Oye9ja) May 17, 2016
When we strike, it's the common man who suffers most yet remains relatively unheard. Other methods of resolution needed. #SayNoToStrike
— Laurie Idahosa (@IdahosaLaurie) May 17, 2016
What about d people that hav 2 go out everyday 2 fend for themselves, r u seriously considering them in ur quest 4 d strike? #SayNoToStrike
— Mustapha Garko (@Mr_garko) May 17, 2016
The removal of subsidy would lead to more investment in the downstream sector,....
— Eric O. (@KneWKeeD) May 17, 2016
I recalled wen d NLC in kano headed by one Danguguwa misled people, they got an alert 4 their role n made a U-turn. #SayNoToStrike
— Mustapha Garko (@Mr_garko) May 17, 2016
In 2012 the demand for crude oil was high, but now, countries are discovering shale oil and other sources renewable of energy.#saynotostrike
— OluwasebebeLayemi (@SEBEBE28) May 17, 2016
FDI in 2012 was over $1.2 billion, presently FDI is less than $900 million.
— Eric O. (@KneWKeeD) May 17, 2016
To put it mildly, The action of both unions is ill-timed #SayNoToStrike ....🙆🙆🙆
— Fauzuddeen hussaini™ (@fahishtee_jnr) May 17, 2016
Price war between fuel station will follow just like it did in telecom. The citizen becomes the winner at the end. #SayNoToStrike
— Eric O. (@KneWKeeD) May 17, 2016
NLC and ignorant ones as it is stand on their own. They sud eat marketers money and go 2 bed now. #SayNoToStrike
— Simon Wada (@simonwada) May 17, 2016
Nigerians Speak: Say No To Strike!
Reviewed by Unknown
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