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Be Like Chris Hemsworth If You Dare!

Be Like Chris Hemsworth If You Dare!

He has starred in movies like Thor, Captain America, and The Dark Knight Rises. Bobby Holland Hanton who is currently filming the third Thor film, Thor: Ragnarok, has been an addition to the list of handsome gentlemen including Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Christian Bale, and Channing Tatum.

He started working with Chris Hemsworth on “Snow White and the Huntsman” and has since been with him. As Chris's double, Bobby reveals he had to eat 35 meals a day to get "anywhere near his size” in addition  "I also have to train twice a day" he revealed in an interview with Buzzfeed, "Chris is naturally a monster and all he has to do is look at weights and he grows."

As for those 35 meals he mentioned, they consist mainly of, Muscle and Fitness training that he followed with a strict diet that was "high protein, good fats, good carbs," with meals like "grilled chicken or turkey with spinach and natural nuts, boiled eggs, and a green tea." He was also barred from eating sugar, salt, and any sauces.

Continuing his revelation, he said "Two weeks before we started [shooting], I upped my training to an hour and a half a session twice a day, six days a week to try and gain that size and I had to focus a lot on arms. His arms are huge and they were on 'show' a lot with costume,". He also had to wear "two-inch lifts" because of Chris's height, which made it feel like doing stunts with heels on.

when asked about his relationship with Chris he simply said, "funny as shit" and "a great dad, great husband, great friend...all-round legend. We have become very close friends now, I love him."

See pictures below:

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Be Like Chris Hemsworth If You Dare! Reviewed by Unknown on 09:50:00 Rating: 5

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