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Yvonne Jegede Words About Suicide Victim

Yvonne Jegede's Words About Suicide Victim

Yvonne Jegede first moved into the hall of fame after featuring in the music video of Tu-Baba’s African Queen after which she got into the movie industry.

Following the death of a beautiful lady who was reported to have killed herself by consuming “Rat Poison”, the actress in a news reported by GREENNEWS came out to advise people who are depressed and might be considering suicide;

Depression is an ailment we Africans take for granted. We assume when someone cries out for help it is attention seeking. We don’t have to wait for someone to take their lives before we know they weren’t joking or seeking attention.

People have issues that money or achievements can’t solve, sometimes it’s finding peace. When you feel you have no reason to live, some people pray to be in your position so that they can at least be grateful. Don’t keep your troubles to yourself, speak to people around you, e.g your guardian, spiritual leaders, older/experienced friends… The human mind is very tender and can be polluted by thought and voices that can drive one to do things another man will never be able to understand. This news broke my heart deeply. RIP #ShowLoveNotHate #TalkAboutDepression #SpeakOut #HelpSomeOne #IfYouAreNotInMyShoesDontJudgeMe.’’

The actress didn’t stop there she went on saying, “Well, I have heard of people committing suicide but this is my first time knowing one, she ended her life with rat poison and left a suicide note for her mum, her younger sister and her aunt. Its cliche that the people you think they have everything still have problems. It’s really sad that someone will actually take their own lives, a problem shared is a problem solved, that is what my parents told me growing up. but these days a problem shared is a topic of ridicule, everyone has problems, we should just try to support one another with love that not too much to ask. This is so heart breaking may her soul rest in peace amen.

see pictures of the lady:


Yvonne Jegede Words About Suicide Victim Reviewed by Unknown on 22:04:00 Rating: 5

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