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Rock Your Natural Hair Like A Celebrity

Rock Your Natural Hair Like A Celebrity

Afro-textured hair is the natural hair texture of certain populations in Africa, the African diaspora, Australia and Asia, when this hair has not been altered by hot combs, flat irons, or chemicals through perming, relaxation, or other straightening methods. Each strand of this hair type grows in a tiny, spring-like helix shape. The overall effect is such that, compared to straight, wavy or curly hair, Afro-textured hair appears denser.

Though it has become more of a fashion trend to carry natural hair, a lot of girls do not know the benefits of growing their natural hair so, with time they get bored and go back to straightening their hair. Most of it is due to the fact that African girls feel it’s hard to manage their natural curly hair and prefer their hair straight.

Today we are going to see some really lovely grown natural hair rocked by our own African celebrities and other pretty Africans on the natural family crew, next time we’ll be getting tips on how to grow ours.

Pictures below:

Rock Your Natural Hair Like A Celebrity Reviewed by Unknown on 23:00:00 Rating: 5

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