Google Moves Against Whatsapp with Spaces
Google Moves Against WhatsApp with Spaces
Google in a campaign to floor WhatsApp, has launched a killer App called Spaces.
It is google's latest group messaging App after Hangouts and Messenger.
The App is designed to make sharing links, photos and videos much more easier; instead of having to exit the App to copy and paste URL's or content.
Google Spaces bakes in YouTube, search and Chrome into the search function to make it easier to find content to share.
It also allows you find something that was shared earlier; like articles, videos, comments, images.
It also organises messages around topics rather than, for example, friendship groups, which Google claims makes it easier to stay on top of messages.
This is a warning to WhatsApp to either improve or be pushed down the ladder sooner than later.
Google Space is available for Android and iOS, with Google promising updates at its I/O developer conference this week.
Luke Wroblewski, the Product Director at Google, announced this on Google+, this is his post:
Conversations are a central aspect of Spaces, but it’s not a traditional messaging app in the way Messenger, WhatsApp or Google’s own Hangouts are. Your conversations each live within the namesake ‘spaces,’ which cater to specific topics rather than particular people.
You can have a space for activities like your next vacation or planning a book club, or you can simply use it to collecting images, links and videos of things that catch your attention. There are currently three post types: links (including YouTube videos and GIFs), photos, and text.
Log in to or open up the Spaces app, and you’re greeted with a home screen showing off your current spaces, and given the option to create a new one. Each space shows little avatar bubbles of current participants, and an Activity tab lets you view any recent posts or comments by your friends.
If you have something you need to share immediately, you can click the blue arrow button and copy in the link or photo. You can either post it to a current space or create a completely new one around that item.
Posting stuff
Now that you’re all settled, you can start posting stuff. Spaces gives you a few post type options:
Links: Copy and paste URLs. Video and image files are automatically embedded, and GIF files play back automatically on your feed. On mobile, you can use this for Google Search or previewing URLs.
YouTube (mobile-only): Searches specifically for YouTube videos, and shows your recently watches videos to speed up the process. You can still post YouTube videos on the desktop by copying the URL, but on mobile the integration helps save you some taps.
Photos: Upload photos from your camera roll or Google Photos. You can post multiple images at once.
Text: Barebones text posts, unfortunately missing formatting options.
Additional Reports by The Next Web.
Google Moves Against Whatsapp with Spaces
Reviewed by Unknown
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